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To export an entire schema using mysqlsh, you can use the following steps:

  1. Open a new terminal window or command prompt and launch mysqlsh.
  2. Connect to the MySQL server instance where the schema is located using the following command:
mysqlsh --uri=<username>@<hostname>:<port>/<schema>

Replace <username>, <hostname>, <port>, and <schema> with the appropriate values.

  1. Once connected, navigate to the schema by running the following command:
\use <schema>
  1. To export the entire schema, use the util.dumpSchemas() method with the following command:
util.dumpSchemas('<export_path>', { schema: '<schema>' });

Replace <export_path> with the file path where the export file will be saved.

  1. The export file will be saved in the specified location.

To import an entire schema using mysqlsh, you can use the following steps:

  1. Launch mysqlsh and connect to the MySQL server instance using the same command as before.

  2. Navigate to the schema where you want to import the data by running the following command:

\use <schema>
  1. To import the entire schema, use the util.loadDump() method with the following command:
util.loadDump('<import_file_path>', { schema: '<schema>' });

Replace <import_file_path> with the file path to the export file.

  1. The import process will begin and the schema will be imported into the MySQL server instance.