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There could be several reasons why the installed editable packages are not being detected by pylsp:

  1. The editable package may not have been installed in the correct location. Ensure that the package is installed in the appropriate site-packages directory where Python can discover it.

  2. The package may not have a valid metadata file. Check that the package contains a valid file with the required metadata and that it has been installed correctly.

  3. The pylsp server may not have been configured to look for editable packages. Check the configuration settings for the pylsp server and ensure that it is configured to detect editable packages.

  4. There may be a conflict with other installed packages. Check that there are no conflicting dependencies or versions of other packages that could be causing issues.

  5. Restarting the IDE or the pylsp server might be necessary. Sometimes, a simple restart can solve the issue.

If none of the above solutions work, there may be a deeper issue that requires more investigation.