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When it comes to choosing between Function.bind and closures in JavaScript, it depends on the specific use case and preference.

Function.bind is a method that creates a new function with a specific context, which means it allows you to set the value of 'this' for a function. This can be useful when you want to bind a specific object as the value of 'this' for a function, instead of using the default global context.

On the other hand, closures are functions that have access to variables defined in their outer scope, even after the outer function has returned. Closures can be useful when you need to maintain some state or data between function calls, or when you want to create private variables in JavaScript.

So, choosing between Function.bind and closures depends on what you want to achieve. If you need to bind a specific object as the value of 'this' for a function, Function.bind is a good choice. If you want to maintain some state or data between function calls or create private variables, closures are a good option. It is essential to understand the underlying concepts of both techniques to make the appropriate choice.