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There may be several reasons why you are unable to find the function despite having the necessary packages installed:

  1. Typo: Make sure that you have spelled the function name correctly.

  2. Incorrect package version: Make sure that you have installed the correct version of the package. Sometimes, packages get updated and the function names may change or move to a different package.

  3. Library path: Make sure that the library path for the package is set correctly. You can check the library path by using the command .libPaths().

  4. Dependencies: Some packages may require other packages to be installed. Make sure that you have installed all the required packages.

  5. Namespace: Make sure that you have loaded the package with library() or require(). If you don't do this, you may not have access to the functions in the package.

  6. Compatibility issues: Sometimes, the function may not be compatible with your version of R or some other package that you have installed. Check the package documentation for any compatibility issues.