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There are several steps involved in preserving all Docker images and transferring them to a different device:

  1. Export the Docker images: Use the “docker save” command to export all Docker images to a tar archive file. For example, the command “docker save -o my-docker-images.tar” will export all images and store them in a file named “my-docker-images.tar”.

  2. Transfer the archive file: Copy the exported tar archive file to the new device. You can use a USB drive, cloud storage, or any other method to transfer the file.

  3. Import the Docker images: Use the “docker load” command to import the Docker images into the new device. For example, the command “docker load -i my-docker-images.tar” will import all images from the file “my-docker-images.tar”.

  4. Verify the imported images: Use the “docker images” command to verify that all Docker images have been imported successfully.

After completing these steps, you should be able to use Docker on the new device with all the images that were previously available on the original device.