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There are several ways to obtain theoretical assistance in developing a JavaScript toolkit that will allow you to control a distinct dataset via both the backend and frontend of your application. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Research online:

The internet is a vast resource of information, and there are many online resources you can use to obtain theoretical assistance. You can start by reading articles, blogs, and tutorials on JavaScript, web development, and related topics. You can also join online communities and forums where developers discuss and share their knowledge and experience.

  1. Attend webinars:

Webinars are online seminars that offer live demonstrations, presentations, and discussions on various topics. You can attend webinars on JavaScript, web development, and related topics to learn about best practices, tools, and techniques that you can apply to your toolkit.

  1. Enroll in online courses:

Many online platforms offer courses and tutorials on JavaScript, web development, and related topics. You can enroll in these courses to learn about the fundamental concepts and skills needed to develop your toolkit. Many of these courses offer practical exercises and assignments to help you apply what you learn to your toolkit.

  1. Consult with experts:

You can hire a consultant or expert in JavaScript or web development to provide theoretical assistance on developing your toolkit. These experts can provide guidance on best practices, tools, and techniques that you can apply to your toolkit. They can also provide feedback on your code and help you troubleshoot issues as they arise.

  1. Read books:

There are many books on JavaScript and web development that you can read to gain theoretical knowledge and insights on developing your toolkit. These books offer in-depth explanations, examples, and case studies that you can apply to your toolkit.