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Yes, you can define a lookup array in Excel by utilizing a value from a specific cell using the INDIRECT function.

For example, let's say you have two worksheets in your Excel workbook: Sheet1 and Sheet2. In Sheet1, you have a cell (A1) that contains the text "Sheet2!A1". In Sheet2, you have a table that you want to lookup a value from using the value in cell A1 of Sheet1.

You can define your lookup array in Sheet2 as follows:


The INDIRECT function will take the value in cell A1 of Sheet1 ("Sheet2!A1") and convert it into a reference to cell A1 in Sheet2. The VLOOKUP function will then use this reference as the lookup value in your table.

Note that you will need to adjust the TableArray, ColumnNumber, and Range_Lookup arguments of your VLOOKUP function to match your specific needs.