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initial version
  1. Define the base class: Define a basic class to act as the basis for the dynamic class. This class must have the setattr() method and the getattr() method defined. These two methods are responsible for setting and getting attributes dynamically.

  2. Create an instance of the base class: Create an instance of the base class that will contain the dynamic properties. This instance will act as a container for dynamically created attributes.

  3. Define attribute creation function: Define a function that will create new attributes dynamically. This function must take an instance of the base class, the attribute’s name, and the attribute’s value as parameters.

  4. Call the attribute creation function: Call the attribute creation function to create new dynamic attributes on the base class instance.

  5. Use the dynamic attributes: Access the newly created dynamic attributes on the base class instance, just like regular attributes.

  6. Implement class inheritance: Optionally, you can create subclasses of the dynamic class and inherit their properties, to create more specialized classes.