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There could be several reasons for getting an error message stating that data insertion is not allowed due to errors in the document in Atlas MongoDB:

  1. Invalid JSON format: One of the most common reasons for this error message is an invalid JSON format while inserting a document. MongoDB only accepts documents with a valid JSON format, so any syntax errors or missing fields can cause the insertion to fail.

  2. Missing fields: If the schema of the collection requires certain fields, and you try to insert a document without those fields, it will lead to an error message.

  3. Duplicate key error: MongoDB collections use unique indexes to enforce uniqueness. If you try to insert a document with a key that already exists in the collection, it will throw a duplicate key error.

  4. Size limit exceeded: If the document you are trying to insert exceeds the maximum size limit of the database, it will throw an error message.

To resolve this error, you need to check the document format, ensure that all required fields are present, and check for duplicates. It is recommended to validate the documents before inserting them into the database to catch any errors beforehand.