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Spring Boot is a web application framework that is built on the top of the Spring framework. Bootstrapping is the process of creating a new project or application from scratch or initializing an existing application with Spring Boot.

The process of bootstrapping Spring Boot can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. Choose a build tool: Spring Boot supports various build tools like Maven and Gradle. Choose a build tool that you are comfortable with.

  2. Create a new project: Create a new project with the chosen build tool. The project should have a reference to the Spring Boot dependencies.

  3. Configure application properties: Configure the properties of the application, such as the application name, port number, and database connection details, in the file.

  4. Write code: Write code for the application. Spring Boot provides various annotations to simplify the wiring of dependencies and to manage the lifecycle of beans.

  5. Run the application: Use the build tool to package the application as a JAR file. Run the JAR file on the command line to start the application.

These are the basic steps for bootstrapping a Spring Boot application. Once the application is up and running, additional configuration and development can be done to extend its functionality.