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An Error 400 means that there was a bad request from the client-side to the CloudFront distribution. This can happen if the request is missing required parameters, has invalid parameters, or has a format that is not supported by the distribution. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Missing or invalid HTTP headers: CloudFront requires certain headers to be present in the request. If these headers are not present, the distribution will return an error.

  2. Invalid URLs: If the URL format is incorrect, the distribution will not be able to locate the requested resource.

  3. SSL certificate issues: If the certificate is expired or invalid, CloudFront will return an error.

  4. CORS policy issues: If the client-side request violates the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy, the distribution will return an error.

  5. Invalid query string parameters: If the query string parameters are not valid, then CloudFront may return an error 400

To resolve this issue, you will need to identify the cause of the bad request and fix it accordingly.