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If removeEventListener isn't working, there are a few other things you can try:

  1. Make sure you are passing the same function reference to removeEventListener as you did to addEventListener. If you define the function inline, you need to save it to a variable outside of addEventListener, and then pass that same variable to removeEventListener.
  2. Try using the once parameter in addEventListener instead of removeEventListener. The once parameter adds an event listener that only fires once, so you don't have to worry about removing it later.
  3. Use the capture parameter when adding and removing the event listener. If the event listener is added in the capture phase, you need to remove it in the capture phase as well.
  4. Use the passive parameter when adding the event listener. If you know that your event listener will not call preventDefault(), you can add the passive parameter to improve performance and avoid potential errors.

If none of these solutions work, double-check your code and make sure there are no syntax errors or typos.