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You can use the following client-go method to remove k8s Jobs and their associated pods:

  1. First, create a clientset instance:
import (

config, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
if err != nil {

clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
  1. Then, create a Job object using the clientset:
jobClient := clientset.BatchV1().Jobs(namespace)

err = jobClient.Delete(jobName, &metav1.DeleteOptions{})
if err != nil {

  1. Finally, delete the associated pods using the clientset:
podClient := clientset.CoreV1().Pods(namespace)

selector := fmt.Sprintf("job-name=%s", jobName)

err = podClient.DeleteCollection(&metav1.DeleteOptions{}, metav1.ListOptions{
    LabelSelector: selector,

if err != nil {

With the above client-go methods, you can easily remove k8s Jobs and their associated pods.