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You can run an awaitable/async function in Python RQ using the asyncio library. Here's how to do it:

  1. First, you need to create an instance of the RQ worker with async=True parameter:
from rq import Worker
from rq import Queue
from redis import Redis

redis_conn = Redis()
queue = Queue('default', connection=redis_conn)
worker = Worker([queue], connection=redis_conn, async=True)
  1. Then, define your async function that needs to be run using async def keyword:
async def my_async_function():
    # do some async task
    return 'async task done'
  1. Now, add your function to the RQ job queue using asyncio:
import asyncio
from rq.job import Job

async def add_async_job_to_queue():
    job = await asyncio.create_task(queue.enqueue(my_async_function))
    return job

This will create an async job in RQ queue and return its job ID. You can use this ID to check the status of the job or to get its result.

  1. Finally, start the worker to execute the async job:

This will start the worker and it will execute the async jobs in the queue. You can stop the worker by pressing Ctrl+C.

Note: Keep in mind that you need to have an event loop running in your code to use async/await syntax.