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There could be several reasons why SSZipArchive is failing to perform the unzipping process:

  1. Corrupted zip file: If the zip file is corrupted or damaged, SSZipArchive may not be able to extract files from it.

  2. Insufficient disk space: If there is not enough disk space on the device, the unzipping process may fail.

  3. Unsupported file format: SSZipArchive supports only the standard zip format. If the zip file uses an unsupported format, it may not be extracted correctly.

  4. Incorrect password: If the zip file is password protected and the password is incorrect or missing, SSZipArchive may not be able to extract files from it.

  5. Bugs or errors in the library: SSZipArchive may encounter bugs or errors, resulting in the failure of the unzipping process.

To resolve the issue, ensure that the zip file is not corrupted, the device has sufficient disk space, and the zip file is in the standard format. In case of a password-protected zip file, provide the correct password. If the issue persists, check for any bugs or errors in the library and update to the latest version.