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Yes, one possible data structure for key-value pairs where the value is linked to a range of values is a Segment Tree. A Segment Tree is a specialized data structure used for storing and querying intervals or ranges of values. It is commonly used in scenarios like finding the minimum, maximum, or sum of values in a given range.

In the context of key-value pairs, a Segment Tree can be adapted to store the ranges of values associated with each key. The keys can be sorted and mapped to indices, and the corresponding ranges of values can be stored in the Segment Tree.

The advantage of using a Segment Tree is that it allows efficient querying of the values associated with a particular range of keys. The time complexity of querying a Segment Tree is O(log n), which is much faster than scanning through all the elements in the range.

However, note that implementing a Segment Tree requires some effort, and it may not be the best choice for every scenario. Other data structures like AVL trees, B-trees, and Hash tables may also be suitable depending on the specific requirements of your application.