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Class validator in TypeScript can validate based on various types by using different decorators for each type.

For example, to validate a string property, we can use the @IsString() decorator. To validate a number property, we can use the @IsNumber() decorator. Similarly, there are decorators available for validating boolean, date, array, and object types.

Here's an example of using multiple decorators to validate a class property based on multiple types:

import { IsString, IsNumber, IsBoolean } from 'class-validator';

class UserProfile {
  name: string;

  age: number;

  isActive: boolean;

In this example, the name property is validated as a string, the age property is validated as a number, and the isActive property is validated as a boolean. There are many more decorators available for various types, and we can combine them in any way we need to validate complex objects.