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There could be a variety of reasons for the Oracle Connector of Debezium not starting the service. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Configuration issues: If the configuration file for the connector has incorrect settings or there are syntax errors in the file, the service may fail to start. Make sure that the configuration file is correct and try again.

  2. Networking problems: The connector may not be able to connect to the Oracle database due to networking issues such as firewall blocking or incorrect network configuration. Check the network settings and make sure that the connector is able to communicate with the database.

  3. Permissions issues: The user running the Debezium connector may not have sufficient permissions to access the Oracle database. Make sure that the user has been granted the necessary privileges.

  4. Database errors: If there are errors in the Oracle database, the connector may fail to start. Check the database logs for any errors and troubleshoot them accordingly.

  5. Resource constraints: If the server hosting the connector has insufficient resources such as CPU, memory or disk space, the service may fail to start. Check the server logs for any resource-related errors and address them.

  6. Software version issues: The Debezium connector may not be compatible with the version of the Oracle database. Check the software compatibility matrix and make sure that the connector supports the database version you are using.