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Assuming you are referring to an Excel sheet, follow these steps to duplicate a row and ensure the checkbox and its code are also copied over:

  1. Select the row that you want to duplicate.
  2. Right-click on the row number and select "Copy".
  3. Right-click on the row number where you want the duplicate to appear and select "Insert Copied Cells".
  4. Make sure that the "Shift cells right" option is selected and click OK.
  5. You should now see a duplicated row with all the cells from the original row copied over.
  6. If there was a checkbox in the original row, you should see it in the duplicated row as well. If the checkbox is not checked, click on it to check it.
  7. If there was any code associated with the checkbox, it should be copied over as well. You can check this by right-clicking on the checkbox and selecting "Format Control". In the "Control" tab, you should see the same code as in the original checkbox.

That's it! You have duplicated a row and ensured that the checkbox and its code are also copied over.