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  1. Identify the element you want to modify: The first step is to identify the overlay element whose font color you want to change upon hovering. You need to identify the CSS selector for the specific element.

  2. Add a hover state to the selector: Once you have identified the selector, you need to add a hover state to it using the pseudo-class ":hover".

  3. Define the font color property: After adding the hover state, you can define the font color property using the "color" property in CSS.

  4. Save and test the changes: Once you have made the changes to the font color property, save the CSS file and test the overlay element by hovering your mouse over it to see if the font color changes as expected.

Example code:

.overlay { color: #000000; /* default font color */ }

.overlay:hover { color: #ffffff; /* font color on hover */ }