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There is currently no automatic way to directly transform the source code of an Azure Data Factory into a Terraform script. However, the process of creating both the source code of an Azure Data Factory and a Terraform script involves creating resources in Azure and defining their configurations.

To convert the Azure Data Factory source code into a Terraform script, you can:

  1. Create an equivalent Terraform configuration for each resource defined in your Azure Data Factory source code. This configuration should define the resource type, name, and any required properties and dependencies.

  2. Remove all references to resources that you don't want to include in your Terraform configuration.

  3. Update any resource configurations or dependencies that are different in Terraform compared to Azure Data Factory. For example, Terraform uses different naming conventions and requires explicit dependencies to be defined.

  4. Create the Terraform configuration files in the appropriate directory structure, consisting of,, or any other related files.

  5. Test the Terraform configuration and deploy it to create the resources in Azure.

Note that manually converting the source code of an Azure Data Factory to a Terraform script can be time-consuming and error-prone. It is recommended to use the Azure Provider for Terraform, which allows you to manage Azure resources using a declarative configuration language. This provider comes with pre-built modules to manage Data Factory, hence it makes it very convenient to use.