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There could be several reasons why the JWT_KEY from docker-compose is being ignored. Here are some potential solutions:

  1. Check the syntax of the docker-compose file: Make sure that the JWT_KEY is correctly defined in the environment variables section of the docker-compose file. Double-check for any typos or syntax errors.

  2. Clear the Docker cache: Sometimes, Docker may not pick up changes to the docker-compose file. In this case, try clearing the Docker cache by running the following command: docker-compose down --rmi all --volumes. This will remove all containers, images, and volumes associated with the project.

  3. Check the permissions of the JWTKEY file: If the JWTKEY is stored in a separate file, make sure that the file has the correct permissions. The file should be readable by the Docker container running the Mercure service.

  4. Verify the JWT signature: Double-check that the JWT signature is correct. You can use a tool like the debugger to verify the signature. Also, make sure that the JWT_KEY matches the algorithm used to sign the token.

  5. Try using a different JWT library: If none of the above solutions work, try using a different JWT library in the Mercure Docker container. For example, you could try using the "php-jwt" library instead of "firebase/php-jwt".