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To specify a region for deleting AWS IAM Access Analyzers using the Go SDK V2, you need to create a new AWS session with the specified region and use it to create a new Access Analyzer client. Then, you can make a call to the DeleteAnalyzer function with the identifier of the Access Analyzer to delete it in the specified region. Here's an example code snippet:

import (

func deleteAccessAnalyzer(region string, analyzerID string) error {
    cfg, err := external.LoadDefaultAWSConfig()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    cfg.Region = region

    svc := accessanalyzer.New(cfg)

    _, err = svc.DeleteAnalyzer(context.TODO(), &accessanalyzer.DeleteAnalyzerInput{
        AnalyzerName: aws.String(analyzerID),

    return err

In this example, the region parameter specifies the AWS region where the Access Analyzer should be deleted. The analyzerID parameter specifies the identifier of the Access Analyzer to delete. You can call this function with the appropriate parameters to delete the Access Analyzer in the specified region.