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To ensure that one DB's foreign key matches the other DB's ID, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a Redux store that will maintain the state of your application.

  2. Create a React component that will render the data from your SQL databases.

  3. Connect your React component to the Redux store using the connect function.

  4. Create actions in Redux that will query your SQL databases and update the store with the retrieved data.

  5. Use a middleware like Redux Thunk to handle asynchronous actions.

  6. When retrieving data, make sure that you are also retrieving the ID of the data from the source database.

  7. When inserting data into the second database, make sure to also insert the ID from the first database as the foreign key.

  8. When updating data, make sure to update the foreign key field as well.

  9. You can also set up validation to ensure that the foreign key and ID fields match before the update or insert is executed.

By following these steps, you can ensure that the foreign key in one database matches the ID in the other database, thus preventing data inconsistencies.