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To extend a generic struct that contains a generic struct element, you can use the following syntax:

struct GenericStruct<T> {
    var element: T

extension GenericStruct where T: Equatable {
    func isEqual(to other: GenericStruct<T>) -> Bool {
        return self.element == other.element

In this example, the GenericStruct struct contains a generic element T. We want to extend GenericStruct to add an isEqual(to:) method that compares two GenericStruct instances for equality.

To do this, we use the extension keyword followed by the name of the struct we want to extend and the where keyword. The where clause specifies that T must conform to the Equatable protocol.

Within the extension, we define the isEqual(to:) method that takes another GenericStruct instance as a parameter and checks if its element property is equal to our own element property. If it is, we return true, otherwise we return false.