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  1. Install Required Packages: Install the following packages using npm package manager:

    npm install xlsx file-saver react-csv antd

    These dependencies will help you to read, write and save Excel files, CSV files and Antd table.

  2. Import Libraries:

    import XLSX from 'xlsx';
    import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
    import ReactCsv from 'react-csv';
    import { Table, Button } from 'antd';
  3. Create Data: Create your data source from where you want to export the data. For demonstration, let’s create a dummy data source.

    const dataSource = [
       key: '1',
       name: 'Mike',
       age: 32,
       address: '10 Downing Street',
       key: '2',
       name: 'John',
       age: 42,
       address: '20 Downing Street',
       key: '3',
       name: 'Jane',
       age: 28,
       address: '30 Downing Street',
       key: '4',
       name: 'Pete',
       age: 35,
       address: '40 Downing Street',
  4. Create Columns: Create columns to show in the table.

    const columns = [
       title: 'Name',
       dataIndex: 'name',
       key: 'name',
       title: 'Age',
       dataIndex: 'age',
       key: 'age',
       title: 'Address',
       dataIndex: 'address',
       key: 'address',
  5. Create Antd Table: Create a table using Ant Design library.

    <Table dataSource={dataSource} columns={columns} />
  6. Export Data to Excel: Create a function to export data to Excel.

    const handleExportToExcel = () => {
     const worksheet = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(dataSource, { header: 1 });
     const workbook = { Sheets: { data: worksheet }, SheetNames: ['data'] };
     const excelBuffer = XLSX.write(workbook, { bookType: 'xlsx', type: 'array' });
     saveAs(new Blob([excelBuffer], { type: 'application/octet-stream' }), 'data.xlsx');

    This function uses XLSX library to convert data source to worksheet and then to workbook. Finally, it calls the function saveAs of file-saver library to save the Excel file with data.xlsx name.

  7. Export Data to CSV: Create a function to export data to CSV.

    const handleExportToCSV = () => {
     const csvData = => ({
       Age: item.age,
       Address: item.address,
     const headers = [
       { label: 'Name', key: 'name' },
       { label: 'Age', key: 'age' },
       { label: 'Address', key: 'address' },
     const fileName = 'data.csv';
     return <ReactCsv data={csvData} headers={headers} filename={fileName} />;

    This function uses react-csv library to convert data source to CSV format and then it creates a component using ReactCsv library which will download CSV file on button click.

  8. Render the Export Buttons: Render two buttons, one for Excel and one for CSV

     <Button type="primary" onClick={handleExportToExcel}>Export to Excel</Button>
     <Button type="primary" onClick={handleExportToCSV}>Export to CSV</Button>
  9. Run the Code: Start your app using npm start command and you will see a table with two buttons to export data to Excel and CSV format.