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There are several ways to improve the security issues analysis using mvn dependency-check:check:

  1. Configure additional options: Dependency-Check offers several configuration options for better vulnerability analysis, such as setting the CVSS score threshold, checking for outdated dependencies, and more. Customizing these options can help improve the quality of the analysis.

  2. Use a more comprehensive vulnerability database: Dependency-Check uses the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) as its primary vulnerability source. However, there are other databases such as the Sonatype OSS Index and VulnDB, which offer additional coverage. By configuring Dependency-Check to use these additional databases, the analysis can be more comprehensive.

  3. Integrate with continuous integration/delivery process: Including dependency-check analysis as part of your CI/CD pipeline can help identify and resolve security issues earlier in the development process. This can reduce the likelihood of security issues making it into production.

  4. Provide additional context: By including additional information about the project, such as the purpose of the application and the potential impact of a security issue, the report can be more useful to developers and security teams.

  5. Automate remediation: Dependency-Check can automatically generate remediation suggestions, such as upgrading to a newer version of a dependency that resolves a vulnerability. By integrating these suggestions into your build process, you can reduce the effort required to resolve security issues.