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To generate dynamic error messages according to the user's active locale in Next.js, you can:

  1. Set up i18n (internationalization) in your Next.js project using a library like react-i18next or next-translate. This will allow you to define translations for your error messages in different languages.

  2. Implement error handling in your code, either using try-catch blocks or custom error handlers. Within your error handling code, you can format error messages using the translations you defined in step 1.

For example, you could define error messages in an internationalization file like this:

// en.json
  "errors": {
    "notFound": "Sorry, we couldn't find that page.",
    "serverError": "Oops, something went wrong on our end!"

Then, in your code, you could use the translations to generate dynamic error messages like this:

import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';

function NotFoundPage() {
  const { t } = useTranslation();

  return (

This would display the "notFound" error message in the user's active locale.