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To deploy Spring Boot in Websphere, follow these steps:

  1. Create a WebSphere Application Server (WAS) instance and deploy the required JDBC driver.
  2. Generate a WAR file of the Spring Boot application using Maven or Gradle.
  3. Transfer the generated WAR file to the WebSphere server.
  4. Navigate to the WebSphere admin console and log in.
  5. Click on "Applications" in the left navigation menu.
  6. Click on "New Application" and select "New Web Application".
  7. Select the option to "Install new application" and browse to the location of the WAR file.
  8. Name the application and set the context root. Click "Next".
  9. Select the server and node where the application will be deployed. Click "Next".
  10. Configure any additional application settings as needed. Click "Finish".
  11. Start the application and verify that it is running correctly.

Note that depending on the version of WebSphere being used, additional configuration may be required to ensure the Spring Boot application runs properly.