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To create a Rider plugin and export it as a jar file, follow these steps:

  1. Open Jetbrains Rider and create a new Rider plugin project.
  2. In the project creation wizard, configure the plugin settings, such as the plugin name, author, and version.
  3. In the project explorer, right-click on the project and select "New > Module".
  4. Select "Rider Plugin" as the module type and follow the instructions to configure the plugin module.
  5. Implement your plugin functionality in the plugin module.
  6. When you are ready to export the plugin, right-click on the plugin module and select "Prepare Plugin Module for Deployment".
  7. In the "Prepare Plugin for Deployment" dialog, select the "Jar" option and follow the instructions to configure the jar file settings.
  8. Click "OK" to generate the jar file.
  9. The exported jar file can then be installed in Rider by going to "File > Manage Plugins" and clicking on the "Install plugin from disk" button.

Note: Before exporting the plugin as a jar file, make sure to test it thoroughly in Rider to ensure it works as intended.