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Form submission can be handled in two different validation methods using .NET Core in the following ways:

  1. Server-side validation: In this method, the form data is validated on the server-side before it is stored or processed. This helps to prevent any invalid data from being accepted by the server. Server-side validation can be implemented using .NET Core's built-in validation attributes, which allow you to specify validation rules for each form field. The validation can be triggered automatically when the form is submitted, and any errors can be displayed to the user.

  2. Client-side validation: In this method, the form data is validated on the client-side using JavaScript or other client-side scripting languages. This allows for faster feedback to the user, as the validation happens in real-time as they fill out the form. Client-side validation can be implemented using third-party libraries such as jQuery Validation or the built-in HTML5 form validation features. The validation rules are specified in the HTML form elements themselves, and can be triggered on form submission or on specific events (such as when a field loses focus). However, client-side validation should not be relied upon exclusively, as it can be bypassed by users who disable JavaScript or modify the HTML form elements.