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  1. Refactor the code: The first method is to refactor the code to remove the cyclic dependency. This involves identifying the root of the dependency issue and separating it into a new component or service.

  2. Use a third-party library: Another method is to use a third-party library that can help manage the dependency injection process. Libraries like Inversion of Control (IoC) containers can help break circular dependencies.

  3. Use a mediator service: A mediator service can act as a middleman between the two components, resolving dependencies between them. This involves creating a new service that both components can use to exchange data and methods.

  4. Use lazy loading: Lazy loading helps break up large apps into smaller chunks, which can help resolve circular dependencies. This involves loading components and services as needed, rather than all at once.

  5. Use Observables: Use Observables to pass data between components without creating dependencies between them. This involves creating an Observable instance that both components can subscribe to and exchange data.