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To resolve the warning regarding the build phase 'Module' without specifying any outputs, you can try the following:

  1. Check if you have any unnecessary build settings or targets in your project. Remove them if not required.

  2. Try cleaning your project and then rebuilding it again.

  3. You can add an output to the module build phase. This can be done by going to the target's Build Phases section and adding a new "Copy Files" build phase. Then, select "Products Directory" as the destination and add the output file to be copied. This will ensure that the build phase has an output and will not run unnecessarily.

  4. You can also disable the "Module" build phase if it is not required for your project. This can be done by going to the target's Build Phases section and unchecking the box next to the "Module" build phase.

  5. Lastly, you can try updating your Xcode to the latest version if none of the above steps are working.