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The process for creating featured posts programmatically in WordPress involves the following steps:

  1. Query the database to retrieve the posts that meet the criteria for featured posts. This may involve filtering the posts by category, tag, author, or custom field.

  2. Loop through the retrieved posts and set the “featured” flag to true for each post.

  3. Save the updated posts back to the database.

  4. Modify the theme or plugin code to display the featured posts in a prominent location on the site, such as the homepage or a dedicated “featured posts” section.

  5. Optionally, add a user-friendly interface to allow site administrators to easily manage and promote featured posts. This may involve adding custom meta boxes or a dedicated dashboard page for managing featured content.

Overall, the process for creating featured posts programmatically in WordPress requires a good understanding of WordPress database queries, post object manipulation, and theme/plugin development. However, implementing this functionality can help improve user engagement and highlight important content on your site.