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There could be several reasons why the Npm redis client is unable to retrieve the key when making a GET request on an express route in a Node.js application. Here are some potential solutions:

  1. Check if the key is being correctly set in Redis: Ensure that the key is being properly set and stored in Redis. You can use redis-cli to verify that the key exists in Redis.

  2. Check if the Redis client is correctly configured: Make sure that the redis client is correctly configured with the appropriate host, port, and password. Also, ensure that the client is connected to Redis by adding a console.log statement after the client is created to see if it is connected.

  3. Use promises or callbacks: The Npm redis client has both promise-based and callback-based APIs. Check to make sure that you are using the right API for your Node.js application.

  4. Check if the Redis server is running: Ensure that the Redis server is running by using the Redis command-line interface (CLI). If the Redis server is not running, start it and try again.

  5. Check if the key has expired: If the key has an expiration time, make sure that it has not expired. Otherwise, you might not be able to retrieve it with the GET command.

  6. Check if there are any data serialization issues: Make sure that the data stored in Redis is properly serialized and deserialized when read and written.

  7. Use logging and debugging tools: Use logging and debugging tools such as console.log and debuggers to trace the code and identify the issue. You can also use the redis.debug_mode() command to log Redis commands and responses.