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The increase() and rate() functions are utilized with Prometheus and Grafana to comprehend http_server_requests_seconds_count by allowing users to calculate the rate of increase or decrease of this metric over time.

The increase() function allows users to calculate the difference in the metric's value between two time intervals. This function takes a range vector as an argument and returns the difference in the value of the metric between the start and end of the time range.

On the other hand, the rate() function calculates the rate of change of the metric over a specified time interval. This function takes a range vector as an argument and returns the rate at which the metric is increasing or decreasing over time.

By using these functions, users can gain valuable insights into how the http_server_requests_seconds_count metric is performing over time. They can analyze the rate at which the metric is increasing or decreasing and use this information to identify and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Additionally, these functions can help users to create more informative visualizations in their Grafana dashboards.