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There could be several reasons why Virtualenvwrapper is showing a "no such file or directory" error message on Mac OS M1 Ventura, including:

  1. Incorrect installation of Virtualenvwrapper: Make sure that Virtualenvwrapper is installed correctly and that you have followed all the installation instructions. You can also try reinstalling Virtualenvwrapper to see if that resolves the issue.

  2. Incorrect path to Virtualenvwrapper: Make sure that the path to Virtualenvwrapper is correct and that you are calling it from the correct location. If the path is incorrect, you may need to edit your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc, .bash_profile).

  3. Missing dependencies: Virtualenvwrapper depends on several other packages, such as virtualenv and virtualenv-clone. Make sure that these dependencies are installed correctly and up-to-date.

  4. Permissions issues: If you do not have the proper permissions to access the Virtualenvwrapper files, you may encounter this error. Make sure that you have read and write access to the necessary files and directories.

  5. Configuration issues: Make sure that your Virtualenvwrapper configuration is correct and that you have set the necessary environment variables. You can check the configuration by running the command 'echo $WORKON_HOME' to see if it returns the correct path.

To troubleshoot the issue further, you can try running Virtualenvwrapper in verbose mode (-v option) or checking the system logs for any relevant error messages.