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To configure port mapping in Docker for several .NET applications, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the host port range for each application. Docker will map each application to a single host port, so make sure each application has a unique port range.

  2. Update the Dockerfile for each application to expose the desired port range. For example, in a .NET application, add the following line to the Dockerfile:

    EXPOSE {port-range}

    Replace {port-range} with the port range determined in step 1.

  3. Build the Docker image for each application.

  4. Run each container with the appropriate port mapping. For example, to run an instance of the first application on port 8080, use the following command:

    docker run -p 8080:{port-range} {image-name}

    Replace {port-range} with the port range determined in step 1, and {image-name} with the name of the Docker image for the first application.

  5. Repeat step 4 for each application, using a different host port for each one.

With these steps, you should be able to successfully configure port mapping in Docker for several .NET applications.