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To set up Nuxt 2.8 to produce code that is compatible with ES5, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the @nuxtjs/eslint-config package as a development dependency by running the following command in your terminal:

    npm install --save-dev @nuxtjs/eslint-config
  2. Create a .eslintrc.js file in your project directory with the following content:

    module.exports = {
     extends: [
     rules: {
       'vue/no-v-html': 'off',

    This configures ESLint to use the Nuxt.js recommended config and Prettier formatting.

  3. Add a Babel configuration by creating a .babelrc file with the following content:

     "presets": [
           "targets": {
             "ie": "11",
             "chrome": "58",
             "safari": "10",
             "firefox": "54",
             "edge": "14"
           "useBuiltIns": "usage",
           "corejs": "3.6.5"

    This tells Babel to target a specific set of browsers and to use the usage option for the core-js polyfills.

  4. Finally, update your nuxt.config.js file to include the @nuxtjs/eslint-config module:

    export default {
     buildModules: [
     build: {
       babel: {
         presets({ isServer }) {
           const targets = isServer ? { node: 'current' } : { ie: '11' }
           return [
                 loose: true,
     // ...

    This configures your project to use the @nuxtjs/eslint-config module during the build process.

With these changes, you should be able to produce code that is compatible with ES5 when using Nuxt.js 2.8.