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There could be several reasons why the tag only displays the image shortcut instead of the actual image:

  1. Incorrect file path: If the file path specified in the src attribute of the tag is incorrect, the browser may not be able to find the image and display only the image shortcut.

  2. File name or extension: If the file name or extension of the image is incorrect or misspelled in the src attribute of the tag, the browser may not be able to display the image.

  3. Unavailable or corrupted image: If the image file is not available in the specified path or if it is corrupted, the browser will not display the image.

  4. Browser settings: In some cases, the browser settings may prevent the display of images on a web page due to security or privacy reasons.

  5. Ad blockers or extensions: Ad blockers or other extensions installed in the browser may sometimes block the display of images on a web page, including those specified in the tag.