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initial version
  1. Install necessary packages: Start by installing necessary packages like django-phonenumber-field and django-otp.

  2. Create the model: Create a new model for the SMS code that has fields like phone number, code, timestamp, and check if the SMS code is valid.

  3. Generate the SMS code: Generate a unique SMS code and save it to the model along with the related phone number and current timestamp.

  4. Send the SMS code: Use a third-party API or service to send the generated SMS code to the phone number provided.

  5. Verify the SMS code: When the user enters the code received, validate the code against the saved SMS code in the model. If it is valid and the timestamp is still within the allowed duration, grant access.

  6. Handle expired SMS codes: If the SMS code has expired, revoke access and prompt the user to generate a new SMS code.

  7. Implement additional security measures: To further secure the SMS code verification process, implement additional security measures like rate limiting, IP blocking, and Captchas.

  8. Test thoroughly: Test the SMS code verification process thoroughly to make sure it works as intended and is secure against potential attacks.