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initial version
  1. Check the region availability: Verify that the missing region is actually supported by the AWS Amplify service. Not all AWS services are supported in all regions.

  2. Verify the region settings: Ensure that the AWS Amplify project is targeted to the correct region. This can be done from the Amplify console. Click on the project name and check the region under "General settings".

  3. Check AWS access: Ensure that your AWS IAM user or role has permissions to access the missing region. You can use the IAM console to check the permissions.

  4. Check AWS resources: Verify that the AWS resources required for the Amplify project, such as S3 buckets, are created in the correct region.

  5. Review the Amplify logs: Check the AWS Amplify logs to see if there are any errors or warning messages related to the missing region.

  6. Contact AWS support: If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact the AWS support team for further assistance. They can help diagnose the problem and provide recommendations for resolution.