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There are several possible reasons why your script may be halting while scraping images from the web. Some common reasons include:

  1. Slow internet connection: If your internet connection is slow, it may take longer for the script to download images, causing it to appear to hang.

  2. Server response time: The server hosting the images may be slow to respond, which could cause the script to halt while waiting for a response.

  3. Website blocking: Some websites have anti-scraping measures in place that can block your script from accessing images. This could cause the script to halt or return an error.

  4. Memory issues: If your script is using too much memory while scraping images, it could cause it to halt or crash.

  5. Bugs in the code: If there are bugs in your script, it could cause it to halt while scraping images. Make sure to check your code for errors and try debugging it to identify any issues.