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One way to update the state of the current index in an array while ensuring consistent control flow with animations is to use state management libraries such as React and Redux.

In React, you can create a state object for the current index and update it using setState method. For example, if you have an array of items and you want to loop through them with button clicks, you can set the current index state to 0 by default and update it with each button click. Then, you can use this index to render the corresponding item with animations.

In Redux, you can use actions and reducers to update the current index state in the Redux store. For example, you can dispatch an action to update the current index with each button click, and the reducer will update the state in the store accordingly. Then, you can use the connect function to map the current index state to the props of your component and use it to render the corresponding item with animations.

Overall, by using state management libraries such as React and Redux, you can update the state of your application in a consistent and animated way.