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The process for transforming data from cells into Pass/Fail ratings involves the following steps:

  1. Determine the criteria for pass/fail: Identify the specific benchmarks or standards that need to be met in order to consider the data as "pass" or "fail." This could be a minimum score or a range of acceptable scores.

  2. Decide on the scoring system: Determine the point system that will be used to assess whether the data meets the criteria for a "pass" or "fail." This could include assigning numerical values to specific benchmarks or using a simple binary system (e.g. 1 for pass, 0 for fail).

  3. Input the data: Enter the data into a spreadsheet or database, with each data point placed in a separate cell.

  4. Apply the criteria to the data: Compare each data point to the established criteria for pass/fail.

  5. Calculate the results: Using the scoring system, calculate whether each data point has passed or failed.

  6. Generate Pass/Fail ratings: Finally, create a report or summary that shows the Pass/Fail status for each data point, either as a list or as a chart or graph.