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The process for transferring information from a Kafka cluster located in the east, known as KCL1, to a Kafka cluster located in the north and, in the event of KCL1's failure, switching to KCL_2, which is located in the west, using MirrorMaker2 is as follows:

  1. Install and configure MirrorMaker2 on a server located in the north.
  2. Configure MirrorMaker2 to consume messages from KCL_1 and produce them to the Kafka cluster located in the north.
  3. Start MirrorMaker2 and verify that messages are being successfully transferred from KCL_1 to the destination Kafka cluster in the north.
  4. Configure MirrorMaker2 to use a failover mechanism, such as Apache ZooKeeper, to automatically switch to KCL2 in the event of KCL1's failure.
  5. Verify that the failover mechanism is working as expected by simulating a failure of KCL1 and verifying that MirrorMaker2 switches to consuming messages from KCL2 and producing them to the destination Kafka cluster in the north.
  6. Monitor the system to ensure that messages continue to be transferred successfully and that there are no issues with the failover mechanism.

Overall, the process involves setting up and configuring a MirrorMaker2 instance to consume messages from KCL1 and produce them to the Kafka cluster in the north, while also configuring a failover mechanism to switch to KCL2 in the event of KCL_1's failure. It is important to thoroughly test the system and monitor it to ensure that it is working correctly.