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There are several ways to add a legal notice to a website that consists of multiple pages:

  1. Footer: You can add the legal notice in the footer of every page. This way, it will appear on every page of your website.

  2. Popup: You can add the legal notice as a popup when a user visits your website. This will ensure that the user sees the legal notice regardless of which page they are on.

  3. FAQ or legal page: Create a page on your website that houses all the legal information, terms of use, privacy policy, and other disclaimers. Use a top-level menu or sidebar on your website to keep easy access to this page.

  4. Clickwrap: Nowadays, most websites have clickwrap agreements, which is an agreement displayed to users when registering, purchasing, or using a service. This method enforces users to agree to terms before being able to proceed.

Regardless of which method you choose, it's essential to ensure that the legal notice is noticeable and easy to read to users.