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It would be helpful if you could provide more information and context about the equation you are referring to. With that being said, here are some possible explanations for why an equation might only add variables together instead of performing multiplication:

  1. Incorrect syntax - If the equation was written incorrectly, it is possible that the multiplication symbol was accidentally left out or replaced with a plus sign. For example, if you intended to write 2x * 3y, but accidentally wrote 2x + 3y, the equation would not perform multiplication and would instead add the two terms together.

  2. Implicit multiplication - In some cases, multiplication can be implied without using a multiplication symbol. For example, in the equation y = 3x, the coefficient 3 is multiplying the variable x, even though there is no explicit multiplication symbol. In these cases, it may appear that the equation is only adding variables together, but there is an implied multiplication operation happening.

  3. Simplification - Sometimes, equations are simplified to make them easier to work with or to highlight specific relationships between variables. For example, if you have an equation with several terms that all have the same variable, it may be possible to combine these terms by adding them together. This can result in an equation that only has addition, but it is still representing the same relationship between variables as the original equation.

Overall, the reason why an equation is only adding variables together can depend on the specific context and properties of the equation. If you provide more information, it may be possible to give a more specific explanation.