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This error occurs because the LSTM layer in your model expects a 3-dimensional input, but the input provided to it has only 2 dimensions.

The LSTM layer in Keras requires an input shape of (batchsize, timesteps, features). The batchsize refers to the number of samples in each batch, timesteps refers to the number of time steps in the input sequence, and features refers to the number of features (or input dimensions) at each time step.

For example, if you are processing a time series of length 10 with 2 features, the input shape would be (batch_size, 10, 2).

To resolve the error, you need to reshape your input data to have the required dimensions. You can use the reshape() function in numpy or tf.reshape() in TensorFlow to achieve this.

Alternatively, you can also change the input_shape parameter in the LSTM layer to match the shape of your input data.