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There could be a few reasons why the Twilio message method "getDetailedDeliveryReceipts" is returning an empty array:

  1. Delivery receipts may not have been enabled for the account or specific messaging service. Delivery receipts need to be enabled in the account settings or through API calls for them to be generated for each message.

  2. The message may not have completed delivery yet. It can take some time for the delivery status of a message to update, so it's possible that the delivery receipts are not yet available.

  3. The message may not have been delivered successfully. If a message fails to be delivered, a delivery receipt may not be generated, resulting in an empty response for the "getDetailedDeliveryReceipts" method.

  4. The request parameters may be incorrect. Double-check the required parameters for the method and ensure they are correctly formatted.

If none of these solutions work, it may be helpful to contact Twilio support for further assistance.